Friday, February 27, 2009

By Day in Queens

She pulls books off the shelves indiscriminately, but every once in a while, a particular volume catches her eye and she won't let go. Today it was Roberto BolaƱo's By Night in Chile. She has good taste, my little girl.

Her taste in food is expanding, too. She moved on to chick peas this week. I made hummus out of them, adding a little olive oil, garlic and lemon juice (just a dash) to the puree. And tonight she tried spinach, disguised with some mango and pear. We've been working our way up to one of my favorite tapas combinations- chick peas and spinach.

Butternut squash risotto, however, didn't go over well. I gave her a little taste from my own plate and she frowned as soon as her lips touched the spoon. This was attempt number two with the butternut squash, but I'm not giving up all hope yet.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there!

    I found your blog and was just looking through it. It's very informative!!! And the baby is growing so fast and she looks so adorable and happy!
    Keep it up!
